Some projects change the way a business looks. Others change the way a business feels. But every once in a while, a project does something even bigger—it reflects someone back to themselves. That’s what my branding project with Déjà Revél Fine Art Boudoir was. A Brand that Didn’t Reflect Its Depth When Kara, the founder […]

Building a brand based on the jester, lover, or regular guy / gal archetypes

To the one who feels called to create something worth belonging to; who believes passion is what makes anything worth doing; or who reminds us to live a little more colorfully…  This approach is tailored to be supportive and inspiring for a spirited and intentional creative like yourself. Long-used by high-profile brand strategists, playwrights, and […]

What started as a connection over unthinkable experiences of loss has become a rapidly growing community of resilient champions over grief. Co-founded by two incredibly courageous women, Gloves for Grief creates experiences that promote healing and offers an opportunity to come as you are and connect with others who truly understand. Ashley and Terra needed […]

Brand archetypes

Recently I announced that I’m developing a new DIY brand offering, inspired by what you guys told me you wanted in the survey I ran last fall. To recap, nearly everyone asked for the tools to help them take ownership of and to level up their client processes and brand styling. I knew there was a deeper […]