Tonic Template Customization for a Fitness Coach

Filed in Client Showcase  /  October 27, 2022 /

Petia had grown a cult following on Instagram and Pinterest but knew it was time to create an online home for her virtual fitness coaching service. She bought a beautiful DIY Showit template Tonic Site Shop but got tired of fighting through the template customization on her own.

She knew that having an intentionally crafted website to direct potential clients to would greatly help her business grow by building credibility and trust. She also knew that she needed to educate busy career-driven women on how her coaching program is different from other fitness programs and why it’s not always best to go-it alone. She needed a strategy and some backup. Fast.

Scope of work: template customization, Showit development, copywriting, WordPress blog setup

Showit template customization for a fitness coach using Paper Plane by Tonic
Starting point: home page
We got Petia’s blog up and running, featuring her new branding
Starting point: the blog

With the launch of her new website, Petia now has a professional and welcoming website to support her as she grows her business. She feels confident introducing clients to her business with a website that backs up her brand and had already started signing clients immediately after launch!

“I’m still in awe that you’ve made my site look this good! If only you could see my face right now. I absolutely love it! Everything is perfect!

View Petia’s site live and check out her approach! 11/10 would recommend Petia for a no BS support system to achieve your fitness and lifestyle goals!

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