On living with purpose and the process of uncovering yours

Filed in The Reverie  /  January 26, 2025 /

Life has a way of teaching us through the most unexpected paths. I recently shared my journey—how our stories shape our purpose, and how that purpose, in turn, shapes the brands we build—on a podcast. You can listen or watch on Spotify or on Youtube. Or keep reading if that feels right in this moment.

Anyway, I used to think that purpose was something I needed to find, like it was a destination I’d someday stumble across if I just worked hard enough, stayed focused enough, or said “yes” to the right opportunities.

But life had a different plan.

Some people have one moment or experience that uncovers their purpose. For me, it was over a decade of following what I felt was calling me in, leading me to become a firefighter, ranch hand, ski patroller, and an artist and storyteller along the way. At first glance, none of these roles seem connected. And none of them seem to tee me up clearly to become a brand strategist and designer.

But each one quietly shaped the person I’ve become, revealing pieces of the bigger story I was meant to tell.

Firefighting taught me about showing up for something larger than myself. Ranch work taught me how to trust instinct, adapt, and find joy in the simplest, rawest experiences. Patrolling taught me that service and camaraderie often live in the unseen moments. And horses? They’ve always been my mirror, reflecting truths I wasn’t ready to see in myself. Every experience brought me closer to understanding the kind of life I want to create. For myself and for others.

When I started Unbridled Form, I knew it had to be more than just a business. I wanted it to be a way to give others what I’d spent years chasing: alignment, clarity, and the confidence to show up in the world as their truest selves.

Your brand, like your life, should have a purpose. It should reflect what you stand for, who you are, and what story you’re inviting others to be part of. 

Because the best brands are not built around selling products, marketing services, or profiting more. The best brands exist in a way that invites belonging. They tell a story so deeply rooted in purpose that people can’t help but want to be part of it.

I recently sat down to talk about all of this—how our stories shape our purpose, and how purpose shapes the brands we build—on a podcast. If you’ve been feeling like your brand isn’t quite “there” yet, or if you’re chasing a purpose you can’t quite put your finger on, I’d love for you to listen in. You’ll hear about the twists, turns, and lessons that have led me here, and why I believe your story is your greatest asset. Hopefully it’s your invitation to look more closely at the themes that have shaped your life too.

Click here to listen and watch to the full podcast episode on Spotify.

Or click here to listen and watch on Youbtube.

If the winding journey, the search for purpose, or the desire to create something meaningful hits close to home, know this: your purpose is already within you. You just need the right experience to help bring it into focus.

Here if you need me,


P.S. If you want more poetic ramblings like this, you might like The Reverie.

When I move things from my head and heart through my hands, it tends to make its way to The Reverie. Subscribe to my semi-monthly newsletter to gain exclusive access to storytelling tips, studio behind-the-scenes, and my deeply sacred, often untamed journal entries.

For more brand strategy, storytelling, and design resources to grow your business in 2025, click here to visit my Freebies page where you can snag the free storytelling guide for brands. This page is full of free downloads, design recommendations, the best business tools for running your business, as well as curated playlists for brands I’ve built. (Playlists are kind of my thing.)

For more support with the strategy and intention behind your business, visit the Brand Strategy & Design Shop and connect with me on Instagram for all the latest storytelling tips, brand features, and untamed studio behind the scenes.

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