It’s All Art

Filed in The Reverie  /  February 4, 2025 /

It’s all art.

Your story.
Your smile.
The way you laugh with abandon.
The way you move through life.
& the way you hold space for others.

Your energy.
Your passion.
The dreams you dare to chase.
The stories you choose to tell.
The way you rest, breathe, and begin again.

It’s all art.

And here’s the truth that I come back to over and over again: no one can do what you do, the way you do it. There’s not a single other person on this planet who can express what is being called to be expressed through you. The way you dream, the way you create, the way you love and connect—these are uniquely yours. 

There is endless room for all of it—for you. The market, the world, the spaces you long to enter… there is no competition when you’re standing fully in who you are. Your voice, your vision, your presence, your way of seeing and creating beauty is needed.

There’s no scarcity in creativity. There’s no “too much.” There’s only your unfolding, your willingness to trust yourself, and the art that follows.

And everything you create—whether it’s a business, a relationship, a meal, or an invitation to pause—is a reflection of you. It’s an invitation for others to see you, feel you, and be moved by the way you show up in the world.

The more you trust yourself as the artist of your own life, the more expansive everything becomes. The better you become at living fully in alignment with your true north. And in doing so, you give the rest of us permission to do the same.

It’s all art. Every part of it.

And the world is better for your art.

It’s all art.

– Amy

P.S. If you want more poetic ramblings like this, you might like The Reverie.

When I move things from my head and heart through my hands, it tends to make its way to The Reverie. Subscribe to my semi-monthly newsletter to gain exclusive access to storytelling tips, studio behind-the-scenes, and my deeply sacred, often untamed journal entries.

For more brand strategy, storytelling, and design resources to grow your business in 2025, click here to visit my Freebies page where you can snag the free storytelling guide for brands. This page is full of free downloads, design recommendations, the best business tools for running your business, as well as curated playlists for brands I’ve built. (Playlists are kind of my thing.)

For more support with the strategy and intention behind your business, visit the Brand Strategy & Design Shop and connect with me on Instagram for all the latest storytelling tips, brand features, and untamed studio behind the scenes.

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