Read that again.
I promise I won’t go off on a rant about the importance of powerful reviews. You get it. You read them everyday when you’re trying to figure out if that shirt in the photo is going to fall apart after one wash or if that movie is worth your precious Friday night in.
So you’ve delivered your kick-ass work and wrapped it all up to move on to the next project.
You’re proud of your work and your clients are proud as hell of their results.
But you just can’t seem to bring yourself to ask for a testimonial or you get so into that next project that you never actually send the email.
Maybe you’ve been DYING to ask because you know their comments about their experience will be killer, but you have no idea what the heck to ask…
Or maybe you have asked and your clients graciously sent you a testimonial but it’s just… fine?
You don’t really want to lead with “fine” and it’s not that shining review that makes potential clients say “YES. This is it! I found my person for [insert service here]!)
It really doesn’t have to be so painful.
All it takes is asking a few strategic questions to get you the type of testimonials that turn your clients into your ultimate hype-people.
I’m going to cover the basics here, but if you want to go beyond learning a few questions you could ask and dive deeper into the psychology and strategy behind great testimonials, I encourage you to explore the Art of Getting Great Testimonials Guide.
The Art of Getting Great Testimonials isn’t just about gathering reviews or project feedback—it’s about strategically using those stories to nurture relationships with your existing clients, elevate your brand, build trust, and attract the right clients who are ready to pay for the value you bring to the world. If you’ve been pouring your heart into your work, solving problems, and creating with passion, but haven’t quite captured that magic in a testimonial yet, now’s the time to lean into that process. It’s your chance to amplify what’s already so special about what you do. Check out the guide here.
Below are the exact questions I started asking clients to go from “meh” remarks to powerful client testimonials.
Where were you at before we worked together? What problems were you struggling with and how did it make you feel?
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about your ideal clients’ pain points. Sure, we all always assume the usual of “not having enough time in the day,” but this is a chance to get more specific and let your clients tell you exactly what their problems were. Then you can go back in to your website copy, social media content, and newsletters and make sure you’re speaking directly to those pain points so your people start saying things like “SAME. Where do I sign up?”
What led you to book with me instead of someone else?
There’s no shortage of options for online service providers these days. And sure, people can browse through your portfolio but how do they know you’ll be able to bring their unique vision to life any better than the next solopreneur creative? Reviews. And case studies.
The responses you get to this question will help you know if you’re on the right track with how you’re presenting yourself as a solution to your potential clients’ problems. Make sure your proposals, discovery calls, and initial communications are hitting on the reasons your clients are choosing you over your peers.
Where are you at now? How do you feel about what we’ve created and the results we’ve gotten together?
Again, straight up ask your people how they feel. There’s a lot of guidance out there about making sure you’ve got numbers to demonstrate the results you’ve gotten for your clients. And yes, analytics are super important. But so is the emotional transformation.
The pride your clients feel about sharing their website with people! The confidence they have to charge their worth and honor boundaries within their business. The peace of mind knowing they have someone in their corner to back them up while they focus on the parts of their work that set their soul on fire.
So yes, make sure you’re keeping track of the stats but never underestimate the power of the emotional
transformation. You might be surprised by the meaningful connections that come from showcasing it.
What was your favorite part of us working together?
Reviews that focus on the whole project are often general and unrelatable. Give your people the chance to tell you exactly what they loved most about your partnership. Your favorite part might not have been their favorite part and that’s okay! Either way, it’s great feedback to see which parts of your process and collaboration are memorable and impactful for your clients.
What would you say to someone who’s considering working with me?
An impactful testimonial speaks directly to your potential clients so straight up ask your clients to speak directly to your potential clients!
While we’re at it, let’s revisit that first line: “What other people are saying about your business matters more than what you’re saying about it.”
Did you see any opportunities for improvement during our collaboration?
You might not want to ask this question, but you’ve gotta. Leaning into the uncomfortable opportunities of growth is how you hone your craft and show your clients you’re dedicated to serving your people in the best way possible.
It’s not only a chance to tweak your processes, but also a chance to tee yourself up for further work with your past clients, complementing the next question. According to Forbes, loyal customers are five times more likely to purchase again and four times more likely to refer a friend to the company.
What future offerings and resources would serve you, your clients, or your peers well?
No need to keep second guessing updating your offerings or developing that product. You’ve got a whole focus group ready to tell you exactly what they want and need.
So do yourself a favor – listen to them and create offerings that keep your people coming back again and again, no matter where their journey takes them.
When you’re ready to take this a step further, check out the Art of Getting Great Testimonials Guide. I’m covering advanced strategies like working testimonials into unexpected stages of your client and customer journeys and using feedback as an opportunity to identify future products and services that your people are craving.
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Every powerful brand is built on a deeper story, the kind your audience feels instinctively. When you understand the emotional thread that runs through your work, it becomes easier to show up clearly, connect meaningfully, and create an experience that stays with people. This story becomes the foundation for how your brand looks, feels, speaks, and leads.