You're ready to shed old skin and rise to the revolutionary impact you've been dreaming of. This bundle of digestible video guides and self-paced workbook will help you on your way to first unearthing and then showing up in your fullest expression thanks to a process trusted and loved by industry experts and newbie entrepreneurs alike.

Because when you lean into what’s calling you and follow a proven process, I promise you won’t leave the same as you came. And I want that for you, on your own timeline and budget. 

You’ve evolved beyond simply showing up.

You're tired of looking at others for inspiration versus looking within

You're dying to have a place to intentionally brain dump all your ideas and discover the underlying themes

You're overwhelmed by how many design styles you're drawn to and don't know how to get your vision out of the Pinterest inspiration stage

You're ready to shed old skin and rise to the impact and alignment you were meant for

Sound familiar?

If you're trying to figure out how to finally make your brand feel like it wasn't pieced together, this is for you!

You work with clients as a creative service provider or coach - looking at you designers, copywriters, and photographers!

And if you’re honest, you’re tired of messing around and you’re straight up ready to show up and say it like you mean it. Sound like you? I can’t wait to see what you unearth.

Brand Strategy Foundations kit

Here's everything you're getting with the

$94 $70

You’re getting instant access to a series of video guides, a brand strategy workbook, a guide to naming your brand, an expanded guide to brand storytelling, and recommendations for where you go next with everything you unearth! This is where I begin with all of my brand and web clients, and you’re getting this professional process for just $70 instead of the regular price of $97. By purchasing this kit, you’re not only streamlining your journey but also enjoying a discount compared to buying the brand naming guide and brand strategy questionnaire separately!

Toasting yourself because you not only finally crossed "explore rebrand" off your list, but actually started bringing it to life

Putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect that you end up exhausted from all the decisions you never make

To this:

Go from this:

How will this actually change the game for me?

sounds great, but you might be wondering...

Unshakable clarity and confidence that your clients & customers can feel in everything you do once you put it into action

A pieced-together brand that was fine a year ago but definitely doesn't reflect where you dream of being

Being handed the tools used by one of them (😘) and the opportunity to be your own hero by creating something you're truly proud of

Feeling frustrated that you're not ready to hire your dream team of creatives to help you bring your big ideas into reality

I'm not going to lie to you. This kit isn't magically create a meaningful brand for you. But it is going to give you the exact steps and framework to reflect, source inspiration, and start putting it into action. So if this is what you're craving, the Brand Strategy Foundations Kit is your next right step to get there.

Still with me? Let's keep on going.

Having the professional process used every single day by a brand strategist and the guidance to see it through

Not knowing where to start when it comes to objectively crafting your logos or brand story (you have a brand story, right??)

Get your Brand Strategy Foundations Kit Now!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!

When I Say Comprehensive, I Mean It

Here’s what you’re getting inside of the Brand Strategy Foundations Kit

Adored by my clients, this has hands-down become the most requested resource over the years by photographers, fellow brand designers, and entrepreneurs not yet ready to invest in one-on-one branding.

Strategy Questionnaire

  • Covers values, audience, greater business goals, sensory inspiration, brands you vibe with (and don't vibe with!)
  • Goes beyond your ideal client avatar to focus on deeper motivations and opportunities for connection
  • Bonus questions to consider website needs

Like the whole branding process, choosing a name isn't a matter of aesthetics or trend following; it's about weaving together emotional meaning, symbolic significance, and practical considerations into an undeniably memorable experience.

Brand Naming Guide

  • Collaborative guide by Unbridled Form x Lady Folk
  • Real-life client example of how you go from inspiration to brand name you can love and protect

Whether you want to knock this out in a weekend or savor the process over several weeks, you'll get instant access to all of these resources and the freedom to go at your own pace.

Recommended Next Steps

  • Walkthrough tutorials and video guides
  • Real-life client example of how you go from questionnaire to actionable mood boards that will get you out of the Pinterest phase
  • Recommended AI resource and website content and launch planner to share your new brand with confidence

Enough said, I'm in!

In case you missed it — I'm offering you instant access to the foundational process of my $2,000 to $5,000 branding projects — for just $97 $70! These resources and process flow are the exact first steps I take with all my 1:1 client projects. So if working together 1:1 isn't in the cards for us (🥲), then this kit may just be your next best move...

She truly goes ABOVE AND BEYOND for her people, actually that phrase doesn't even match what she does. She goes even higher than beyond! Her artistic design for web design and branding is just incredible."

— Shelly, Venoma Artistry

"Amy communicates so beautifully and presents everything to you in such an organized detailed manner.

These resources are the foundation of my signature process that gets intentional founders saying things like this:

Amy’s knowledge and passion help to guide you if you are unsure and pique your curiosity as to where your company can go, how we identify as individuals, and how we want our businesses to identify to the public."

— Victoria, Cedar Mountain Crossfit

"As a baby entrepreneur still learning the ins and outs of building a brand, Amy opened my eyes to how much thought should go into this process. 

I've re-designed everything from my physical studio space to the way I approach social media content around the Magician archetype that this process unearthed. It's brought so much clarity to how I approach my brand."

— Casey, 3 Sheets Designs

"Amy's process of design and exploring archetypal stories has unearthed so much in my creative process that I never expected.

Hey, I'm Amy and I'm obsessed with helping entrepreneurs show up as their fullest selves with a magnetic and artistic brand that champions their wildest ambitions.

I've had the honor of supporting over one hundred entrepreneurs through one-on-one brand strategy and design, group workshops, and DIY resources on their way to the revolutionary alignment they dreamed of rising to.

I've also walked that line myself and know firsthand that this kind of transitional phase can be full of just as much evolution and becoming as growing pains, doubts, and fears. But I swear it gets easier every time you decide it's time to take another step forward in your business.
It gets easier because of everything it takes to move forward in the face of the unknown…
It takes grit.
It takes believing in yourself.
It takes shedding old skin and old patterns of thinking.
It takes owning new roles, titles, and identities.
It takes looking confidently down your own path and not worrying that it doesn't look like everyone else's.
It takes a kind of insane strength and bravery to count on yourself to create something for your future, for your family, for community. Right here. Right now.
It is absolutely kick ass that you're doing just that. And if you haven't taken your next right step yet, I bet you're fired up now because you know that it's inside of you.

The Brand Strategy Foundations Kit is my way of celebrating that with you and making it easier than ever to have a brand that undeniably connects with your people, aligns with your personal style, and stands the test of time. I hope you love it as much as my one-on-one clients have!
Rooting for you always,


Get your Brand Strategy Foundations Kit Now!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!
For Creative Service Pros & Entrepreneurs!

A few questions I've gotten from folks at a similar crossroads of exploring, evolving, and redefining.

how do I know if this is the right move for me or if i should just hire you?

Honestly, you probably already know. No one knows your business and your readiness for the next level more than you do and you deserve to listen to your gut. This kit is a great move for entrepreneurs who find themselves with the time and energy to DIY a rebrand but lacking the space to prioritize professional design (or creative service pros who work with clients).

Also, strategy and design services tend to book up 3 months or so in advance around here. So if you find yourself needing some quick support in where to go next as you explore a rebrand, this might be just the thing to bridge that gap if my one-on-one timeline (or pricing) doesn't fit your needs.

how do i know if this is a worthwhile investment for my business?

This $70 bundle covers the core of my one-on-one professional strategy and design services, at such a tiny fraction of the price. And the truth is that rebranding is less of an impulse purchase and more of an invitation. All entrepreneurs arrive at this place at some point in their journey, and (believe me!) it's something you have to be genuinely ready for. Because your brand is not some trendy marketing tactic; it's an ever-evolving reflection of you, your community, and the work you purposefully bring to the world. If you've been solving problems and sharing art in the most magnetic ways (and your folks are all in thanks to your dedication), but now you feel almost as though you have outgrown the box you put yourself in or are "playing it safe"... it's probably high time to invest in your next chapter in one way or another.

I love the idea of this, but i think I need more back up.

Umm OKAY. Unbridled Form was built on my love of artful experiences, collaborating with incredible founders, and meaningful stories that linger long after they'd told, so yeah. I'd love to go on this journey with you. And the most meaningful brand experience? It starts the moment someone comes across your brand and... well... it goes on forever. From month-to-month brand support and 90-minute strategy calls, to one-on-one brand and web design, to print design, merch, or recommendations on artful writers to help you tell your story beyond the design... When I say I've got you, I've got you. Just reach out to me personally at and let's chat about what might be a good next right step for you.

Okay but what's next after I do the questionnaire?

After you reflect and brain dump within the questionnaire, it's time to bring it all to life in a meaningful way and these are ease-filled ways to do so such as: a mini course to train ChatGPT everything from brand manifestos, launch timelines, offerings, newsletters, and passive income ideas; artful social media and email templates, mockups, & sites; website content and launch planner to share your new brand with confidence. Because the last thing you need is to go through this exercise and then leave your hard work chilling in a Google Doc versus being discovered in the world.

what if i don't like it? can i get a refund?

Thanks to the digital nature of this kit, and the fact you gain immediate access to all downloads and resources for personal or commercial use, I do not offer refunds. However, this is the process I use with every single one of my clients and is consistently one of their favorite parts of the process. I'm offering you this kit because it's my proven and trusted process and I believe in you using it well to get the clarity and confidence you're likely craving if you're still here.

It's high time you took the next step.

ready to ignite the fire of your next chapter?

a blend of inspiration, support, & artistic celebration